Brown - Lightroom Mobile Presets - AR Editing

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Brown - Lightroom Mobile Presets

The Basic Brown Preset is a Lightroom photo editing filter that will add soft brown to your Instagram photos. Desaturation of some colors: yellow, green, aqua, blue, purple, and magenta. This preset works for both indoor and outdoor photos. Perfect for portrait, interior, selfie, etc. You can update your photos and build a harmonious Instagram feed from different photos.

Even though all presets are meticulously tested on a variety of photos and different settings, the presets might need to be slightly adjusted, based on your camera, lighting conditions, camera mode, and settings. So it is normal to make some adjustments after applying a preset to get the perfect look that will fit your image, Use this product as the basis for working with an image.

These presets are designed specifically for Lightroom Mobile. You can use them with a free mobile app (iOS or Android) and you don’t need to have Adobe Subscription. Mobile presets are all you need to give a modern and consistent look to your images.

Installation Instructions:

 Open the Lightroom app and import the DNG file.
 Once you have added and opened the DNG file into the Lightroom app, tap the three-dot icon in the top right of the screen and select Copy Settings and Paste to your photo.
 Or Choose ‘Create Preset’ Fill out the ‘Preset Name’ and ‘Preset Group’ to ensure your presets stay organized, next tap the “✓” icon in the top right. Now the preset has been installed under the "Preset" menu.


If the download page always asks to enter a password without an incorrect password notification, try reloading your browser or trying to check your connection.


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